Thursday, February 17, 2011


{When you allow the promise of God to reside in your Spirit...nothing absolutely nothing can rob you of that promise}

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made
A week or so after finding out I was pregnant with my youngest child the Lord spoke to me "You are carrying a seed of greatness like Joshua."  Whoa was that me or the Lord?  Since I've learned to recognize the voice of the Lord I knew it was Him.  I was in awe by those words and kept that promise between me and Him.  Not more than a week later my husband said to me "I believe you are carrying a boy and we are suppose to name him Joshua."  That was confirmation!  I was excited about my baby and all that God had for him, however what I didn't know is that my faith would be tested beyond anything I could imagine.

1 Pound Of Courage
 On February 14th, 2007 at 23 weeks pregnant my water broke and I was rushed to the hospital.  Four days later on February 18th Joshua Lorenzo Jordan A.K.A. "strong & courageous baby" was born 1 lb. 4ozs., but not without a fight.  Several times prior to the birth of Joshua & even on the day that Joshua was born it was suggested by doctors that I abort him.  We were told that Joshua only had a 4% chance of  being born alive and that I could run into huge complications including losing my own life.  The doctors had no hope for us but we knew that we had only one choice and that choice was to trust God and His promise. As I laid on that operating table in a cross formation,  for a moment I identified with Christ.  He gave His life so that we all could have eternal life and I was willing to sacrifice my life so that my son could live.  Time and time again Joshua beat the odds and we experienced many miracles.  On March 26, 2007 Joshua developed an infection called necrotizing enterocolitis which ultimately took his life.
We Love You Joshua!
Many people asked me "why did God take Joshua?" or "are you mad at God?" and my answer is... although I don't fully understand "why" Joshua lived for only 95 days I do know that God is perfect and He make absolutely no mistakes. Psalm 139:16 says "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be"  God's promise was fulfilled, Joshua's days on earth were ordained and his purpose completed.  Was that journey a test of my faith, a test to see if I would still proclaim the name JESUS the name above all names?  I don't know why I went through what  I went through but one thing is certain, God's word is true " I will never leave you nor forsake you."  In my darkest hour God was there to comfort and guide me  and not only do I boldly proclaim the name JESUS I courageously take on the calling to carry out the legacy of Joshua Lorenzo Jordan; I choose to be the Voice Of Joshua!



  1. What a beautiful memorial to Joshua! You did an excellent job wth it Myra, what a touching story of courage, hope & strength. You & Joshua have touched the hearts of many!Also, You & Joel have been a great example on how 2 handle life's challenges with Jesus at the Wheel of your marriage. ❤

  2. beautiful! I just cried and cried

  3. Beautiful and very inspiring! *tear*

  4. I was thinking of Joshua today...he came into my mind 3/26/2013. This was the time when he was alive in 2007. A beautiful baby that inspired me and so many people. He is still very much in our lives with our thoughts of him. Thank you for creating this page of him. It was beautiful to visit him again and to remember God's creation and greatness in Joshua.

    1. Thanks for sharing your heart Sandra, it's a reminder to me that I must continue to share on this blog what God puts on my heart. Thank you also for being there to go through the journey with me. I'll never forget our accumulation of passwords "Joshua Jordan healed forever" God heard us even through passwords! Forever could only happen in heaven... Love you my friend!
